Jun.-Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Bouros

Head of the Data Management research group

E-Mail: bouros@uni-mainz.de
Room: 03-121
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 23603
Personal Homepage: https://pbour.github.io

Research Interests

My research interests are with in-memory data management and query processing with a special focus on spatial, temporal, text and graph data.


Assistant Professor
Institute of Computer Science
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Post-doctoral researcher
Department of Computer Science
Aarhus University, Denmark
Supervisor: Prof. Ira Assent

Post-doctoral researcher
Department of Computer Science
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ulf Leser

Post-doctoral researcher
Department of Computer Science
The University of Hong Kong, China PR
Supervisor: Prof. Nikos Mamoulis

Doctorate of Engineering, Data Management
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Thesis: Evaluating Queries over Route Collections
Supervisors: Prof. Yannis Vassiliou and Prof. Timos Sellis

Research assistant
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
University of Athens, Greece
Supervisor: Associate Prof. Afrodite Tsalgatidou

Software engineer
Institute for Speech and Language Processing
Supervisor: Dr. Nicholas Glaros

Diploma of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Thesis: Query Language for Hierarchical Structures (in greek)
Supervisor: Prof. Timos Sellis

Selected Publications

A complete list can be found here.


  • Best Paper Award, 14th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), 2015
  • Greek State Scholarship, 2007-2010

Professional Activities

Journal Reviewer

VLDB Journal (x8), ACM TODS, IEEE TKDE (x4), GeoInformatica, DKE, IS (x3), TSAS (x3), WWW Journal, DAPD (x2), JCST, TJSS

Member of Program Committees

VLDB'25, EDBT'25, VLDB'24, SIGSPATIAL'24, DASFAA'24, EDBT'24-PhD, MDM'24 (meta-reviewer), SISAP'24, CDF4MD@MDM'24, VLDB'23, SIGSPATIAL'23, DASFAA'23, SSTD'23, SISAP'23, ICDE'22, SIGSPATIAL'22, DASFAA'22, SISAP'22, ICDE'21, SIGSPATIAL'21, SSTD'21, DASFAA'21, ICDE'20, SIGMOD'20-Demos, SIGSPATIAL'20, CIKM'20-Short papers, TIME'20, SISAP'20, SIGSPATIAL'19, SISAP'19, VLDB'18, EDBT'18, SIGSPATIAL'18, SISAP'18, SIGSPATIAL'17, IEEE BigDataService'17, Smart City BigData@BigDataService'17, ICDE'16, CIKM'16, SIGSPATIAL GIS'16, IEEE BigDataService'16, SISAP'16, GeoRich@SIGMOD'16, CIKM'15, SIGSPATIAL GIS'15, DASFAA'15, IEEE BigDataService'15, SISAP'15, GeoRich@SIGMOD'15, CIKM'14, SIGSPATIAL GIS'14, ICDM'14-Demos, SISAP'14, iiWAS'14, BASNA'14, GeoRich@SIGMOD'14, CIKM'11-Posters

External Reviewer

SIGMOD'17, VLDB'17, VLDB'16, SIGKDD'16, SIGMOD'15, ICDE'15, EDBT'15, SIGMOD'14, SIGKDD'14, SIGMOD'13, ICDE'13, SIGKDD'13, SSTD'13, DASFAA'13, DASFAA'11, SIGMOD'11, CIKM'11, SSTD'11, TPDL'11, ICDE'10, SETN'10, DEXA'10, EGOVIS'10, VLDB'09, EDBT'09, CIKM'09, SIGSPATIAL GIS'09, BPM'09, PCI'07, PersDL'07, PSI'06, DaWak'06, HDMS'06, DEXA'05, EC-Web'05, I3E'05, ICWS'05

Member of Organizing Committees

SIGSPATIAL'24 (Workshop Chair), SIGSPATIAL'23 (Registration Chair), LocalRec@SIGSPATIAL'23 (Chair), SIGSPATIAL'22 (Registration Chair), LocalRec@SIGSPATIAL'22 (Chair), LocalRec@SIGSPATIAL'21 (Chair), LocalRec@SIGSPATIAL'20 (Chair), GeoRich@SIGMOD'20 (Chair), SSTD'19 (General Chair), LocalRec@SIGSPATIAL'19 (Chair), WISE'19, LocalRec@SIGSPATIAL'18 (Chair), LocalRec@SIGSPATIAL'17 (Chair), GeoRich@SIGMOD'17, GeoTour@ADBIS'17, GeoRich@SIGMOD'16, LocalRec@RecSys'15 (Chair), GeoRich@SIGMOD'15, GeoRich@SIGMOD'14